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Welcome Josh!

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Welcome Josh!

Josh joined the ranks of our My Pet Carnivore team in early 2023 & we could not be happier! Josh spent his childhood in Detroit & Indianapolis. He attended Herron School of Art & Design. In addition to being an accomplished artist, he is an experienced manager who has led multiple businesses, projects & other organizations. Josh will be helping with many facets of MPC. He will be overseeing inventory, FedEx orders, organizing staff & environment. You may encounter his hospitality via phone, email or answering the front door of HQ, bolstering our legendary customer service.

What’s the 411?

Josh describes his personality as outgoing, spontaneous, creative & just a bit impulsive. He says if he were a tree he would be an Eastern Red Bud.

Josh lives in the nearby neighborhood of Garfield Park, renowned for its Conservatory, Sunken Garden & dog-friendly recreation areas.

Josh’s family includes his wife, Heather, & their daughter, Adelaide. Together they care for 3 gorgeous rescue dogs including:

  • Nellie the Puggle, whose favorite activity is chillin’ on the couch. She does not have an indoor voice.
  • Rigby the Dachshund is charmingly goofy & always by their side.
  • Marcelin is an Aussie Husky mix. Marcelin is extremely in-tune with human emotion & highly intelligent with just a bit of mischievousness & lots of energy!

Josh feels that his greatest accomplishments in life, so far, are the Garfield Park Art & Music Festival and becoming a dad. Indeed, he is the first to admit that his daughter & his wife are always his first consideration when making big decisions.

A Few Tidbits On Josh.

Josh’s hobbies include flower & veggie gardening, oil painting, hiking & spending quality time with his family. His favorite motto is “hang in there, baby!”

Josh first meet Suzanne & Paul about 10 years ago. So, raw feeding has been a topic of conversation between them over the years. He is enthusiastic about the many benefits of raw feeding and is enjoying his crash course.  So far, Josh’s favorite part of working at My pet Carnivore is interacting with our wonderful customers (both the two & four-legged varieties).

Let’s Get To Know Each Other!

Josh is super excited to help you however he can. He’s looking forward to getting to know more of you wonderful folks who we brag about so much. Welcome Josh!

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